NOTICE TO READERS: City Council meeting packets are prepared several days prior to the meetings. Timely action and short discussion on agenda items is reflective of City Council's prior review of each issue with time, thought and analysis given. Many items have been previously discussed at a City Council Study Session. Members of the audience are invited to speak at the City Council meeting. Public Comment (Section 5) is reserved for comments on any issues or items pertaining to City business except those for which a formal public hearing is scheduled under Section 10 when the Mayor will call for public testimony. Please limit comments to no more than 5 minutes duration.
PLEASE NOTE: The City Council meeting will be offered in-person and virtually. The City Council and community members are encouraged to listen to the meeting via the traditional webcast (
1. | PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (1 minute) |
2. | ROLL CALL (1 minute) |
A. | Minutes of June 24, 2024 |
To submit a public comment, call 303-706-3111 to leave a recorded message or email [email protected] to submit a written comment by Noon (12 p.m.) on July 8, 2024. To speak in person, sign up is from 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in City Hall’s lobby. |
A. | Public Comment for July 8, 2024 |
6. | CITY MANAGER'S REPORT (5 minutes) |
7. | CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS (15 minutes) |
8. | CONSENT AGENDA (1 minute)
The Consent Agenda is a group of routine matters to be acted on with a single motion and vote. The Mayor will ask if any Council member wishes to remove an item for separate discussion. Items removed from the consent agenda will be considered immediately following adoption of the amended Consent Agenda. |
A. | Second Reading of Councillor’s Bill No. 20 Re: Proposed Economic Development Agreement with TriSalus Life Sciences Located at 6272 West 91st Avenue |
B. | Resolution No. 12 Adopting the Proposed 2025-2026 Firefighter Collective Bargaining Agreement with the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 2889 |
C. | Resolution No. 13 Authorizing the City Attorney to Execute the Settlement Participation Form for Kroger Opioid Settlement Funds |
D. | Ratification of Sole Source Vendor Purchase of Network Installation Services for City Hall and Facilities Renovation |
E. | Authorize the Purchase of Parts and Materials in Fiscal Years 2024, 2025, and 2026 for Maintenance and Repair in Public Works and Utilities Department |
10. | NEW BUSINESS (1 hour 30 minutes) |
A. | First Reading of Councillor's Bill No. 21 Amending Chapters 4 and 9 of Title III, W.M.C. Concerning Departments and Administrative Updates Based on Changed Terminology |
B. | Action Items Authorizing Debt Financing of the Drinking Water Facility Project Including: First Reading of Councillor’s Bill No. 22 Authorizing the Issuance of Tax-Exempt Utility Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Authorization of Bond Counsel, and Adoption of Resolution No. 14 Permitting Reimbursement from the Proceeds of the Tax-Exempt Utility Bonds |
C. | First Reading of Councillor’s Bill No. 23 Re: Adding a New Section 13-1-17 Establishing Special Regulations for the Westminster Hills Open Space |
Persons needing an accommodation, such as an interpreter for another language, or who have an impairment that requires accommodation, must submit such a request to the City Clerk. Requests must be submitted no later than noon on the Thursday prior to the scheduled Council meeting to allow adequate time to make arrangements. Please call 303-658-2161/TTY711 or State Relay or write to [email protected] to make a reasonable accommodation request.
A. | The meeting shall be chaired by the Mayor or designated alternate. The hearing shall be conducted to provide for a reasonable opportunity for all interested parties to express themselves, as long as the testimony or evidence being given is reasonably related to the purpose of the public hearing. The Chair has the authority to limit debate to a reasonable length of time to be equal for both positions. | |
B. | Any person wishing to speak other than the applicant will be required to fill out a "Request to Speak or Request to have Name Entered into the Record" form indicating whether they wish to comment during the public hearing or would like to have their name recorded as having an opinion on the public hearing issue. Any person speaking may be questioned by a member of Council or by appropriate members of City Staff. | |
C. | The Chair shall rule upon all disputed matters of procedure, unless, on motion duly made, the Chair is overruled by a majority vote of Councillors present. | |
D. | The ordinary rules of evidence shall not apply, and Council may receive petitions, exhibits and other relevant documents without formal identification or introduction. | |
E. | When the number of persons wishing to speak threatens to unduly prolong the hearing, the Council may establish a time limit upon each speaker. | |
F. | City Staff enters into the public hearing record a copy of public notice as published in the newspaper, all application documents for the proposed project, and a copy of any other written documents that are an appropriate part of the public hearing record. | |
G. | The property owner or representative(s) presents evidence and describes the nature of the request. | |
H. | Staff presents any additional clarification necessary and states the Planning Commission recommendation. | |
I. | All testimony is received from the public, in support, in opposition or asking questions. All questions will be directed through the Chair who will then direct the appropriate person to respond. | |
J. | Final comments/rebuttal received from property owner | |
K. | Final comments from City Staff and Staff recommendation. | |
L. | Public hearing is closed. | |
M. | Council may: approve; approve with conditions; deny; remand to Planning Commission; continue to a date/time certain; or other. Councillors not present at the public hearing will be allowed to vote on the matter only if they listen to the tape recording of the public hearing prior to voting. | |
N. | The following statement may be read by the Chair at the outset of the public hearing: We welcome your input. Because we will strive to proceed through the public hearing in a timely manner, we require that all persons observe the following rules with respect to comments and testimony: | |
| When you are recognized to speak, approach the podium, state your name and relationship to the City, whether resident, visitor, business owner, employee or other, for the record. All comments and testimony shall be made from the podium, no comments or testimony shall be shouted from the audience. | |
| Comments and testimony are to be directed to the Chair. Dialogue and inquiries from the person at the podium to members of Staff or the seated audience is not permitted. Inquiries which require Staff response will be referred to Staff by the Chair through the City Manager. | |
| Comments that address the approval criteria for each application are most helpful. | |
Councillors use electronic devices to access the materials relevant to the public hearing before us. Be assured that it is the common practice of this City Council that these devices are not being used for texting, emailing, or other communications during public hearings. It is our desire to give everyone an opportunity to speak and be heard in a timely manner and within an atmosphere of respect and diplomacy. These rules are meant to foster that atmosphere. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to hearing your comments